Dzien dobry!
Let's talk about your babcia
If you're interested in Polish genealogy, you've come to the right place. Grab a cup of coffee (or tea) and let's talk about your ancestors.
My name is Kasia and I'm a researcher based in Poland.
As someone who values the importance of family history, I know that each case is unique and deeply personal. That's why we take the time to get to know you and your family. I truly believe that everyone deserves to know more about their ancestors and their loved family members.
At Polish Genius, we understand that each family history project is different. That's why I offer a free preliminary analysis to help you understand what is possible and how I can help. Depending on the amount of information provided and the availability of the records, we will give you an idea of what to expect and how much it might cost. I want to ensure that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision about your family history project.
Years of experience
Happy customers +
Oldest record found
what is your superpower?
I am a Polish genealogy researcher
I am based in Poland and I'm a co-founder of Polish Genius mailing list (est. 2001)
Member of Polish Genealogical Society and Polish Genealogical Society of America (PGSA)

She is awesome.

Research fees
No hidden fees!
Preliminary analysis
Introductory verification of your family information (names, dates, places) which helps us to determine the research possibilities and records location
from $31.00
Affordable packages available - click here
Place of origin NEW!
Fixed-price project designed to find your ancestors' place of origin.
Results guaranteed! - click here to learn more
from $9.00
Record translation (Polish to English and Rusian to English)
Bundle offers available.
from $160.00
Tailor-made tours to your ancestral area, theme tours and virtual tours