In the beginning, I was interested in the history of my family, but that hobby grew as I started to dig deeper into our past.

Soon after I built my own family tree, I co-founded Polish Genius – one of the oldest mailing lists dedicated to Polish genealogy. The list was originally run on Yahoo Groups page but last year we moved to and still running strong thanks to amazing Debbie Greenlee and her passion for genealogy combined with patience and the gift of sharing her extensive knowledge with others.

Once the list was established and the time flew by,, with the expansion of social media I decided to go ahead and also start a Facebook page. The newest addition is a Facebook group, also called Polish Genius where I try to share my knowledge and help others break through the brick walls.

Since I was often prompted by some of members of the mailing list and facebook page to help trace their own families’ histories, my personal hobby shortly turned into a research career.
Today, I am focused on helping others  to look for their roots in Poland, and for sharing the knowledge about the country, its history and culture. I am also involved with the Polish Genealogical Society of America and contribute articles to its magazine, “Rodziny.” 


You can also find me on Instagram

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